Samstag, 14. Februar 2015

INSPIRATION | successful blogging ft "bravo girl!"

Guys! Look at this! I've been featured in BRAVO GiRL! :))

Yes, I know, it's just a teeny-tiny spot on that page, but still! It's part of an article about successful blogging. So I thought, why not tell you my top blogging tips today?

But first, today's February 14. Yeeey. Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! ♥ To be honest, I actually don't really care about that day. It's just not important to me. I don't know why. Maybe the reason is that Valentine's Day is generally not as popular in Germany as elsewhere. The effect this day had on my life are my finger nails. Yes. Can you see those tiny little hearts? This is the first time I ever tried nail foils (even though I had those from beautybird laying around for a year or so... since last year's Valentine's Day, I think...). I'm not very convinced, though. They sure were easy to stick on and you don't need to wait so long for your nails to dry. On the other hand, there are little blisters on almost every nail, they splintered already on the second day and generally look sort of cheap and trashy. I still like the kitsch effect, though. :) Did you guys ever try nail foils? Or can you even recommend some?

Now, enough rambling, I wanted to give some blogging advice!

Most websites or magazines tell you to choose an unique name/url, to blog on a regular basis, to get in touch with companies, to connect with other bloggers and of course, do social networking!

If you ask me, I partly agree and disagree with these tips. So here's my advice:

Choose your blog name wisely. Having an unique url definitely is important. If you're using something like "[insert name]'s blog", that's fine! You might get lost in the shuffle, though. Also, you should still like your blog name after some years. As for me, I chose "threepinkcats" because it's short, memorable - and my blog is the only result on any search engine. And now, two years later, I still like it. :)
Don't blog for followers or collaborations. If you constantly worry about whether people or companies will like your posts, you won't have any fun. I've been blogging about what I want from the beginning. This is my blog, here I can do what I want; if you don't like it, that's fine, keep away. ;) That way, I might not have gained thousands of followers, but I don't care. I'm having fun and I love what I do and that's the most important part for me.

Networking! Even if I do not care too much about my number of followers, I still want people to see my blog - that's what blogs are about, at least. I found the best way to get traffic is to network. That means using instagram, tumblr, facebook, whatever, and also connect with other bloggers by commenting on their blogs or sending them emails.

If you don't know how to do something, the internet is there for you! ;) I learned all that stuff (which still isn't too much) about blogging in general, HTML, photographing, editing pictures etc. on the internet. There are plenty of tutorial blogs/websites/youtube channels. You just need to go and find them. ;) Of course you can ask other bloggers as well. Some of them (including meeee), will help you with pleasure.

Only do what feels good for you. ( This is similar to 2.) I used to plan and schedule all of my posts, but I discovered that I love to just post whenever I feel like it. This also applies for collaborations: Don't do everything you're offered, just because of the money. Decide what fits your blog and what you would like to have on your blog.

Whoah, that's quite a lot of text this time! :D I hope you can make any use of all that... What do you think about my tips? Tell me in the comments below (I will answer them this time, I promise!).

Hope you're having a nice weekend and doing enjoyable things! I did some organising, planning, studying and cleaning today and there's a birthday party to go to now. ;)

Bye for now! x,

3 Kommentare:

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ich bin neidisch! :) Das sind wirklich sehr hilfreiche Tipp's!
    Ich mag deinen Blog echt sehr gerne & würde mich sehr darüber freuen wenn du bei mir vorbeischauen würdest,falls du dies noch nicht gemacht hast!
    Ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Tag!
    Liebste Grüße
    Vivi ❤

  2. Omg lucky you!! I love your nails!!!

    And I don't know what's happening with your gfc button..I can't follow doesnt work good..But I would like to do that. Check it and let me now please <3

    Visit me: Kapege life moments :)

  3. i love these tips!!! I'm totally with you on posting whenever i want, i just don't feel right when i schedule too many posts at a time! i don't feel connected haha xx
