Freitag, 16. Januar 2015

INSPIRATION | cheetah got new tech stuff

wearing || vintage shirt | Only pants again (here) | francesca's necklace | diy rings

Hello dears,

I just wanted to show you some things that arrived in the mail yesterday.

I got these phone cases (here + here) for only a few bucks. Looks like I'm gonna have a lot diy phone cases soon! Seriously can't wait to use them for all these pretty phone cases ideas that are in my head right now.

Also, I finally got these headphones (here) I've been wanting forever. I usually don't wear these huge kind of headphones when I'm out, but I've been looking for some comfortable yet stylish & cool ones for at home, on the computer, the tv, the record player and what not.

So, I'm quite happy with these things.

I had to do a very important presentation in school today, so I went for my black Only pants (they're perfect, seriously) and my forever-favourite vintage cheetah shirt. Add a necklace and a ton of rings and there you go. What do you think? Yay or nay?


1 Kommentar:

  1. Richtig, richtig coole Bluse! Ich mag auch sehr die Kombination zur Hose! Und die Ringe gefallen mir auch :D

    Liebste Grüße,
    Rina von Adeline und Gustav
