Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015

INSPIRATION | ready for 2015

2015 is here!

I hope all of you had a great New Year's and of course I wish all of you an amazing year!

(oh, rhymes, didn't plan that...)

My Internet connection is still not very stable, but I am going to blog on a regular basis again.

Right now, I'm laid up in bed with the flu. So I gathered my laptop, water bottle, medicine and what not aound me and started to write. I have some announcements for the new year!

1. New design

Ok, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I changed my blog header. I used a cat face shape that I found here. Allison from Dream A Little Bigger made it for a shirt tutorial and I think it's just perfect for my blog.

I'm planning on FINALLY getting real businesscards for my blog, too. Any recommendations on where to make and order them?

2. Blog anniversary

This was me when I started blogging two years ago. TWO YEARS! (I started threepinkcats on January 6, 2013.) I can't believe how quickly time flies.

Then again, when I look at these pictures, I feel like there are not only two, but twenty years in between. Anyways. Happy Anniversary, threepinkcats! Let's make this new year great in every way possible!

3. Tumblr

Yes, I did it. Shame on me. I will waste a lot of time there and I will procrastinate and don't be productive and it will be terrible. But I created a tumblr! Yeah!

Just to make one thing clear: it's not gonna be some sort of blog like this one here. It's more of a collection of pictures and quotes, mostly about studying, school and fitness. I created it to motivate me for 2015, for my Abitur (final exam in Germany), for working out etc.

If you want to have a look...(UPDATE: IT'S DIYRONA.TUMBLR.COM NOW!)

Maybe I will do some sort of side blog on tumblr for threepinkcats, where I'll post some pictures. I'm totally not sure about that yet nor do I have any idea how that would work out, but I'll think about it.

4. English

You might have noticed that I used to blog in German. Sometimes I would translate the content of a blog post into English and write that on the bottom, italic and grey.

I have to admit, this two-languages-thing is pretty exhausting. Not only do you need more time, you also get confused and mix up both languages in your head, especially things like idioms. Not good. So I decided to try something new: From now on, I'm going to blog mainly in English! It's just easier for me. Most German readers understand English as well and I can practice my writing skills when blogging.

So, that's about it! What do you think about all these things? Let me know in the comments!

For those of you that are back to school/work tomorrow, have a great start! (I have school tomorrow, but I just can't get out of bed, stupid flu!)



8 Kommentare:

  1. Huhu Hübsche - Ich wünsch dir erstmal nachträglich noch ein super frohes neues Cheri ♥ Die Fotos von dir sind echt super süß! Vorallem der Hut steht dir total *__* Die neu eingeführten Sachen sind dir auch gut gelungen :)

    Liebste Grüße, Duni ❤ von Lovely Joys

  2. Dir auch ein Guten neues Jahr! Visitenkarten von MOO sind wirklich ganz großartig, du kannst nämlich verschiedenen Designs in einem Päckchen wählen. Außerdem gibt es süße Minicards. Allerdings ist der Spaß nicht ganz billig (aber soooo schön....) Vistaprint macht auch hochwertige Karten, deutlich billiger aber längst nicht so kreativ zu gestalten...Ich hoffe, mene Erfahrungen helfen dir weiter :-) Gute Besserung!

  3. Ich wünsche dir ein frohes neues Jahr und ganz viel Erfolg weiterhin mit dem Blog! :)

  4. Nachträglich ein gutes neues Jahr & happy Blog Anniversary 😊
    & toll dass du jetzt (auch) auf Englisch bloggst :)

    Wie heisst du denn auf Tumblr?

    Liebe Grüße,
    lena ❤️

  5. Super Post, ich finde es toll, dass du auch ich auf Englisch schriebst :)
    Viele Grüße und viele Erfolg für 2015

  6. Du bist so eine süße Maus!
    Viel Erfolg bei deinem Vorhaben!


  7. so süß siehst du auf dem foto aus :-) Und das outfit sieht toll mit deiner figur aus
