Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015

DIY | worry less love more

Hello lovelies,

I hope that everything I write now is still making sense. I've been writing a school paper for almost all day and now words and sentences look weird haha.

I REALLY want to show you this easy and pretty DIY, though! I saw this picture a few days ago in this post on andysparkles and that inspired me to do something similar for my wall. I still had that very beautiful picture frame hanging empty on my wall, so I instantly knew what I'd do with that. :)

So here's what you're gonna need:

a picture frame, paper, scissors, a pencil, a pen, a ruler, an eraser and some glittery nail polish (yes!)

I first cut out a piece of paper that would fit in my frame. Then I used a pencil to draw the words "worry less love more" on it. Then I colored the letters with a pen that matches the frame's color (my favorite atm, I guess...). In the end, I added some special touch to the whole thing by painting two words with nail polish ("mr. and mrs. glitter" by essence). And what can I say, while I was at it, I painted my toe nails too. They just looked so bare and, let's be honest, a little glitter never killed nobody. ;)

(I guess my next artwork should be something like "worry less paint your toe nails more" hihi)

After letting the picture dry, I put it in the frame and hung it on my wall. That's it!

What do you think? Also, what's your favorite nail polish to wear on your toe nails? Let me know in the comments below!


6 Kommentare:

  1. Ein schönes DIY ! Die Farbe des Rahmens finde ich total schön :))


  2. tolle Idee,meine Liebe! Ich bin gerade auch auf der Suche nach Deko-Ideen für meine Wand & vielleicht werd ich dir das bald nachmachen ;)
    Die Farben find ich auch total schön!

    & zu deiner Frage, ich lackiere meine Nägel am liebsten mit "Mint Candy Apple" von Essie oder anderen hellen, pastelligen Tönen.

    Schönes Wochenende noch.
    Lena :)

    1. Auja, mach das ;-)
      Essie mag ich auch total gerne, Mint Candy Apple ist auch einer meiner liebsten Nagellacke!
