Sonntag, 8. März 2015

INSPIRATION | i was on the radio ♫ (FRS Mikrowelle ft. threepinkcats)

Hey guys! :)

I know it's already sunday, but I still wanted to show you some pictures of my radio experience on thursday!
As you probably know, I was invited to take part in a radio show and talk about blogging and stuff like that. For those of you that couldn't listen, here you go:

It's German, so if you live somewhere else, you certainly won't understand a word. I'm sorry. You can take a look at the pictures above instead haha. ;-)

Also, take a look at the station's website (here) and the show's facebook page (here)!

I had a lot of fun being on the show, even though no one actually called (The only calls were from some friends of mine who wanted to be super funny and play as sb else. Too bad we answered the call during the music and I recognized their voice.)

Being a radio host would definitely be a cool job! I'm planning to be a journalist anyway. Also, radio is a part of journalism, so let's see where the path of life will lead me. ;-)

Hope you're having an awesome day!

The weather here is beyond perfect for March, so after a short morning run, I studied outside today. My final exams are starting in 10 days (omg) so I'm pretty much studying 24/7. Hopefully, I will find some time to blog next week, though. Just don't worry if I'm not posting for a sort of long time - you'll find me buried under my textbooks.

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